aptti--(marcogh@gramigna)--(~)---(1)--- $ aptitude moo There are no Easter Eggs in this program. --(marcogh@gramigna)--(~)---(2)--- $ aptitude moo -v There really are no Easter Eggs in this program. --(marcogh@gramigna)--(~)---(3)--- $ aptitude moo -v -v Didn't I already tell you that there are no Easter Eggs in this program? --(marcogh@gramigna)--(~)---(4)--- $ aptitude moo -v -v -v Stop it! --(marcogh@gramigna)--(~)---(5)--- $ aptitude moo -v -v -v -v Okay, okay, if I give you an Easter Egg, will you go away? --(marcogh@gramigna)--(~)---(6)--- $ aptitude moo -v -v -v -v -v All right, you win.
/----\ -------/ \ / \ / | -----------------/ --------\ ---------------------------------------------- --(marcogh@gramigna)--(~)---(7)--- $
On Tue, Jul 18, 2006 at 04:19:53PM +0200, marco ghidinelli wrote:
$ aptitude moo -v -v -v -v -v All right, you win.
/----\ -------/ \ / \ / |
-----------------/ --------\
--(marcogh@gramigna)--(~)---(7)--- $
aptitude moo -vvvvvvvvvvvvv What is it? It's an elephant being eaten by a snake, of course.