--> You are now talking on #bomberclone --- Topic for #bomberclone is Bomberclone Version 0.10.0 - http://www.bomberclone.de --- Topic for #bomberclone set by Steffen at Tue Jul 29 17:42:58 <Steffen> hi tamagoci <tamagoci> steffen you are a little genie <tamagoci> it's wonderful yuor program <tamagoci> wery well done work <Steffen> deadlock: today someone gave me the first music file for BC.. :o) <Steffen> hehe thanks.. but i just worte the code.. some other people made the graphics.. <Steffen> i only did the Classic Tileset GFX <tamagoci> very good also <tamagoci> I play with my 4 friends whitout broblems <Steffen> ohh thats good.. <tamagoci> 2 have modem 56 k and other 2 modem adsl <Steffen> well you can ask the people here how much pain they had to go through for testing the first versons.. :o) <Steffen> but the testing people are all in #programmierer hehe <tamagoci> it is very hard to test this program and solve the bugs? <Steffen> ohh on some bugs we was looking for weeks.. <Steffen> but the worst was testing with the network.. <Steffen> i tryed tcp first but changed later to udp.. <tamagoci> it is extremaly hard with the network <Steffen> and then finding out what way would be the best for the network.. <tamagoci> tcp is more slow than udp <tamagoci> tcp is more slow than udp? <Steffen> ohh it was.. i guess i found now a well working way <Steffen> ohh no it's not.. <Steffen> but tcp has the problem that every package have to reach in order.. <Steffen> and udp is a conectionless protocoll <tamagoci> no no you have done a wery well work comliment <Steffen> so i have only to check for important packages if they reach <tamagoci> I tested the version linux and windows is wery work fine <Steffen> tamagoci: try the new version there you can have then all 8 players and some tilesets <Steffen> ohh right now i try to create a debian package <tamagoci> create please also a tgz for slackware? <tamagoci> a day ago my friend is blocked into thw wall why? <Steffen> hmmm well i would need a slakware tgz file and i would need somewhere a documentation for how to do this <tamagoci> how to build a pagkage tgz? <Steffen> ohh well i still don't react in the game if the network traffic gets too worse.. like to bad ping and so.. <Steffen> so sometimes field packages won't reach right.. <Steffen> i resend them 10 times if they don't reach wiching 400ms i resend them again.. <tamagoci> yes then my friend download a file and played bomberclone <Steffen> after this i just drop the package and go on... usually i should put a message somewhere <Steffen> but i really don't know how to react.. <tamagoci> ok i know <Steffen> ohh anyway i need some more tilesets and some information what will be needed next.. <Steffen> so what is everyones wish to have in there.. i talk about it always on the mailinglist.. because so all people cat put in there comments. <Steffen> because i somtimes start working on things which are not needed that mucgh <tamagoci> howthere the game is a succefull <Steffen> hmm unfortunally i don't have anymore the very first screenshots.. it's a shame <tamagoci> thank you steffen again go on so!!!!! <tamagoci> good night <Steffen> well i will.. <deadlock> re <deadlock> hi tamagoci ... <tamagoci> hi deadlock <deadlock> found your way from italy? ;) <tamagoci> yes <deadlock> sorry .. had some calls to do <tamagoci> good night and the next challange <deadlock> tomorrow evening ;)